Monday, September 21, 2009

Google Calendar API python with Appengine and AuthSub Token.

Connecting to the Google Calendar API using AuthSub and AppEngine took me way too long .. I wish there was more doc on the web :/

First read a lot about this :  then have a look at this code . Read them like .. 3 or 4 times to make sure you feel the Google vibez xD

Once you've done that, you kind of understand a bit more the process of contacting the Google Calendar API using gdata. Yeah .. now you know it's going to be painful !!

This being said, that piece of code should help you a bit :)

The hardest part is not to actually get the token. There are plenty of docs about that. The pain is to turn this token into a Session Token, and understand how AppEngine re-uses it.

All you have to do is add this line to let AppEngine know that the token is stored in the DataStore. This is the MOST important part of the process:

With self.calendar_client as a gdata.calendar.service.CalendarService(). Then you get the token info from your url.
    auth_token = gdata.auth.extract_auth_sub_token_from_url(

if auth_token:

What does this mean ? Please pay attention because this is the important part =)
It turns your one-shot token into a Session Token and stores it into AppEngine in an Entity called TokenCollection.  You cannot access this token as you would access one of your models. You need to add the line showed above : (gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(

Then each time you can just manipulate your calendar without having to worry about your token anymore. AppEngine will manipulate it on its own !

Feel free to contact me if you have any question. This took me a long time to find out so I'd be happy to help if I can.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

How to change the SVN default text editor

export SVN_EDITOR=vim

Because vim ROCKS !


SVN directory out of date Error message

I sometimes get a :
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Directory '/trunk' is out of date

1. Run :
svn update
2. Then run
svn commit

Most of the time this would do the trick !


Django - Apache - SVN with production and development environment.

After getting my Django website up and running with Apache and mod_python,
I thought that it would be even better to have two versions of it running. A Production version, that is stable and that has been checked with -almost- no bugs, and a Development version, where I can play around add features, and fix bugs.
And because I am tired of having to do tar files in order to have backups of what I do, I thought it was time to stop being scared of versioning, and give it a go.
It took me a whole week to find a setup that works pretty well on my server, but feel free to leave a comment if think I should have done things differently !

Here is the plan :
  1. Install and configure SVN to be able to rollback to a previous version.
  2. Setup a separate Dev and a Prod environment using SVN(subversion).
  3. Apache Virtual Host for Dev and Prod environment.
  4. Different files on Production and Development

1. Install SVN on Ubuntu.

Run the following command :
sudo apt-get install subversion
Ok now that SVN(Subversion) is installed, we need to decide in which folder you want to have your files saved. SVN is like a database of your files.
You can tell subversion to save the changes you make to a file, a group of files, or a folder, every time you are happy with the changes you've made.
All you have to do is to tell it where you want it to store these infos.
I chose /home/svn/ because I have lots of space on my /home/ directoy, but feel free to change these settings !

To create this directory also called a repository, you need to run the following command :
sudo svnadmin create /home/svn
Now that this is done, you can run ls -l /home/svn to doublecheck that the folder has been created correctly.

Since you have your repository created, ready to be fed with your project, you want to import these files for the first time in SVN. By doing this, SVN will record every changes that you do to your project, and be able to rollback to a previous version of a file in case you made a mistake ! Isn't that great !?

The only thing that you need to know about SVN, is that by convention, you have to create 3 folders that will be containing your project :
  • trunk/
  • tags/
  • branches/
All we are interested in at that level (my level lol) is trunk/ .My project is located in /home/martin/code/martincozzi/, and I want to store it inside /home/svn/martincozzi/trunk/ .

I am now going to prepare my SVN repository to store these files.
mkdir /tmp/martincozzi/trunk
mkdir /tmp/martincozzi/tags
mkdir /tmp/martincozzi/branches
Why /tmp ? Because i am just building a architecture for my SVN and I don't really need these folders after ! To import these files into my SVN repository I type :
sudo svn import /tmp/martincozzi/ file:///home/svn/martincozzi/ -m "Folder Hierarchy Creation"
The -m option stands for Message. I am just leaving a message for myself later on saying "This is when I created my file hierarchy".
Now that this is done. I can now import my project files into my trunk folder. Again, why trunk/ ? It's just a convention so don't worry about it.
sudo svn import /home/code/martincozzi/ file:///home/svn/martincozzi/trunk -m "Importing website into SVN"
Great ! My website is now into the SVN ! What does this mean ? Wherever I am, I can now get the latest version of my project and work on it !

To do this I need to Checkout my project into a folder of my choice !

2. Setup a Dev and Prod environment.
Note : Because I want to separate my Dev environment from my Prod environment, I will checkout project inside a /dev folder ! The path to my Dev environment will then be /home/martin/code/dev/martincozzi/ . I strongly recommend that you do the same !
mkdir /home/martin/code/dev/
mkdir /home/martin/code/prod/
To checkout my project into /dev I do the following :
svn checkout file:///home/svn/martincozzi/trunk /home/martin/code/dev/martincozzi
By doing this I get the last version of my project, ready to worked on ! Every change that I make will on this files will be recorded by SVN !
For example edit /home/martin/code/dev/martincozzi/ , save the change, then type in
svn diff
SVN will tell you which files have been edited.

Let's say that I've done a couple of changes, and that I am happy with them. I want to commit my changes to the SVN to tell it that I want to save this changes into a new version. I just type in :
 svn commit -m "Here is a list of changes that I've made : bla bla bla bla "
My changes have been submitted to SVN. I am now ready to show the public the changes that I've made to my webiste. In order to do that, I want it to be published inside /home/martin/code/pub/martincozzi/ . To do so, I will use the export command from svn.
svn export file:///home/svn/martincozzi/trunk/ /home/martin/code/prod/martincozzi/
And I now have the last version of my website in my prod/ folder ! I can now setup Apache to have two addresses, like :
With dev being the website I am developing and the running version of it !

3. Apache VirtualHost for Prod and Dev sites

If you followed my "How to setup Django & Apache with mod_python and static files" tutorial, just edit the files you've already created as follow.
<VirtualHost *>
  DocumentRoot /home/martin/code/prod/martincozzi/
  <Location "/">
    SetHandler python-program
    PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
    SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE martincozzi.settings
    PythonDebug Off
    PythonPath "['/home/martin/code/prod/'] + sys.path"
And for the dev part :
<VirtualHost *>
  DocumentRoot /home/martin/code/dev/martincozzi/
  <Location "/">
    SetHandler python-program
    PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
    SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE martincozzi.settings
    PythonDebug Off
    PythonPath "['/home/martin/code/dev/'] + sys.path"
Easy isn't it ?!

One thing tho .. You on /prod/ has to be different than your on /dev/ . Well here's a cool fix !

4. Different files on Production and Development

To keep up minimum efforts, and not having to change my file everytime I commit --> export my project, this is what I do !

I copy my /dev/ into /dev/
cp /home/martin/code/dev/martincozzi/ /home/martin/code/dev/martincozzi/ is going to be my config file for /dev/ whereas is going to be my /prod/ settings file.
In make the following changes :
DEBUG = True
 And in change it to :
DEBUG = False
 And of course change your MEDIA_ROOT and TEMPLATE_DIRS  according to your templates info, with /prod/ for, and /dev/ for
Once you've done this, at the bottom of add the following code :
  from local_settings import *
except ImportError:
This tries to load the infos, and if it can't then just use the infos !
Doing this, you can tell SVN no to commit the
 svn propedit svn:ignore .

Install a LAMP Server on ubuntu.

First run :
sudo apt-get update
This will update  the apt list of software available on your machine. Then run :
sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql phpmyadmin
This will install Apache2, Php5, MysQL and PhpMyAdmin ! To finish the installation of MysQL type in :
sudo mysql_secure_installation
You are good to go ! Let me know if you have any questions.

Martin Cozzi.

How to setup Django & Apache with mod_python and static files.

Okay so it all started up when I thought I would develop my new project with Django. After having something that I was quite happy with, I thought it was time for people to have a look at it.
To run Django on development, I was using the built-in server with python runserver which ended up being .. not very cool !
So I thought it would be better if I run it off Apache. Since I have several websites on my server, I use Apache's VirtualHost to set them up.
So first I assume that :
  1. You have Django Installed and that you have an idea of what Django is for.
  2. You have Apache installed.
If yes, then this is the plan ! :
  1. Get your Django site to run on Apache.
  2. Serve static files off Apache and understand Why you should do this. (eg: pictures,css etc .)
1. Get your Django site to run on Apache.

Getting Django to run on Apache was not and easy thing to find, but once I understood how to do it, it's not so bad !
I store my website in the /home/martin/code/martincozzi/ folder. This folder is the root folder of my django website, which means I have the file in there.
So let's say that I want to configure my site to run on I need to create a virtual host first, and tell that host I want it to run from my django site folder.
<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot /home/martin/code/martincozzi/
<Location "/">
SetHandler python-program
PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE martincozzi.settings
PythonDebug Off
PythonPath "['/home/martin/code/'] + sys.path"

And this is enough to get Django to run off Apache ! Add these info at the bottom of your apache conf file and restart apache :
sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Et voila ! If I go to I now have my django website running from Apache.
2. Serve static files off Apache.

Now that I have my website running from Apache, I need to have Apache to serve the static_files as well. Why ? Because your web page will load way quicker than if the static files are being served by Django.
I store my static files in a folder that i call static_media, inside my templates file:
--> templates/
--> static_media/
--> style.css
In order to do this I edit the VirtualHost I just created, and add this piece of code after </Location>.
Alias /static_media/ /home/martin/code/martincozzi/templates/static_media/
<Location "/static_media">
SetHandler None

I have to reload Apache now :
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

My Django website is now running of Apache. Apache is also serving my static_files. I can now go to and reload the page. The files will be served by Apache.
If you want to know how to install a Development Environment, as well as a Production environment running with Subversion(SVN), follow this post.

Martin Cozzi

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

URL insertion validation in a Ruby on Rails form.

Hi !
I have been searching for a little bit how to make sure that when the user enters a URL in the URL field, the URL has a correct format.
I could have done it using JavaScript, but the idea was to use the controller instead.
So this is what I came up with.

class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base

belongs_to :post
validates_presence_of :nickname, :message => ": can not be blank."
validates_presence_of :content, :message => ": can not be blank."
validate :correct_url

def correct_url
if website.length > 0 and !website.match(/^(http|https):\/\/[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(([0-9]{1,5})?\/.*)?$/ix)
errors.add(:website, ": Please enter a valid URL (")

The correct_url function checks if the lenght of the field is > 0, means that the user inserted something, and then check if it matches the regular expression. If it doesn't,then we add a error message to the list of errors.

Hope this helps.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Count returned result Ruby On Rails

In order to display the number of items of a type, use the count method.

I have two classes Type and Entities. An entity has a type. If I want to count how many entities have the same type I would do

(<%= Entity.count(:conditions =>{:Type_id =>})%>)

(<%= Entity.count(:conditions =>{:Type_id => type.1})%>)

Which would return something like

Number of entities (26)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Render partial sort results Ruby on Rails

I've been following this excellent tutorial about how to create a blog using ruby on rails in 15 minutes, but when it came to how to sort the comments, I was a little bit disapointed.
Having comments sorted from the oldest to the most recent is not something that I was pleased with.
After searching on the web I didn't find much solutions, so I asked for help and here is something that hopefully will help you.
If you just want to order your items by id DESC then do :
<%= render :partial => post.comments.reverse  %>
If you want to pass a parameter to order by then :

<%= render :partial => post.comments.sort_by { |c| c.title} %>
<%= render :partial => post.comments.sort_by { |c| c.created_at} %>

and you can even reverse them

<%= render :partial => post.comments.sort_by { |c| c.title}.reverse %>

Hope this help.