Sunday, April 11, 2010


After many weeks of hard work, I am proud to release pushMyFoot !
pushMyFoot was designed to allow people who don't have access to a TV to follow the games during the Soccer Worldcup FIFA 2010 !

You can be notified of the latest updates and releases by subscribing on .

Can't wait to see what you guys think of it !


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Django i18n not translating

If you are trying to use the i18n functionality of Django, and nothing is happening when you switch language, make sure that your translated files are not in my_django_project/conf/locale/  but in my_django_project/locale/


Friday, April 2, 2010

Install BugZilla 3.4 on Ubuntu 8.04

sudo apt-get install build-essential

Follow this post :

Make sure to configure you cpan with the correct make info -> /usr/bin/make
perl -MCPAN -e shell CPAN> o conf make /usr/bin/make

If you get errors saying can't locate DateTime etc .. install the following :

/usr/bin/perl List::MoreUtils
/usr/bin/perl DateTime::Locale

Done !


Change the color of ls

Thanks to Phillip Elvis for his useful tips !

The ls colors are controlled by the dircolors command. First, dump the current settings to a file using dircolors:

# dircolors --print-database > ~/.dircolors

Then edit the file ~/.dircolors. This contains all the current settings.

Now edit the ~/.dircolors file. The color you probably want to change is "file". It's set to 00 (probably white). I use 01 (bright white) for that. You can specify a background color too, with xx;xx. The .dircolors file will have instructions in it.

Save the file after editing it. To activate your changes, run dircolors like so:

# eval `dircolors ~/.dircolors`

And then you should have the new colors. Add this line to your .profile if you want these changes every time you log in.

Check the list of colors available there :
